Firm History

The attorneys in the Wills, Trusts, Estates & Taxation Department of MacDonald Rudy O'Neill & Yamauchi, a Limited Liability Law Partnership, LLP have the expertise and legal skills to handle complex trust and estate cases in various areas including transfer taxation issues, estate planning, probate and trust litigation, estate administration, litigated conservatorships and guardianships, business and real property disputes.

Estate and trust litigation may involve legal and equitable disputes with respect to the validity of a will, trust or other estate planning document based on fraud, undue influence, or lack of testamentary capacity. Additionally, estate and trust litigation may also include defending or litigating against beneficiaries, trustees, personal representatives, and other parties in cases that involve breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, attacks on the validity of estate planning documents, the interpretation and/or construction of wills and trusts, creditor's claims, asset disputes, and various other disputes that may arise in relation to testamentary and inter vivos transfers.

At MacDonald Rudy O'Neill & Yamauchi, a Limited Liability Law Partnership, LLP, the attorneys in the Wills, Trusts, Estates & Taxation Department provide legal services to our clients in both State and Federal Courts in the State of Hawaii and, in other special circumstances, other states on the mainland. The Department's attorneys are licensed to practice law in Hawaii and Massachusetts, and have successfully litigated in other states on a pro hac vice basis.

The Firm takes great pride in providing personalized services to our clients and addresses each client’s individual needs and circumstances. The Firm makes every effort to take each client's financial condition and individual objectives into consideration in structuring, when possible, a fee agreement that enables the client to have the highest quality representation possible. The Department's attorneys successfully litigated many high profile, complex matters involving some of Hawaii’s largest landholding trusts for clients at a cost effective rate with successful results.

The Wills, Trusts, Estates & Taxation Department of MacDonald Rudy O'Neill & Yamauchi, a Limited Liability Law Partnership, LLP, is also one of the few law firms in Hawaii and on the Mainland providing legal services to trust and estate clients on a contingency basis depending on the facts and circumstances of the particular case.

Our attorneys may provide different paths for our clients to consider in finding a resolution to the client's particular legal issue raised, utilizing common sense and practical economic approaches to both routine and complex legal issues alike. The Department will also try to provide the potential client with realistic and practical courses of action given the potential client's own special unique set of circumstances.

PHONE  (808) 523-3080

FAX  (808) 523-0759

1001 Bishop Street,

Suite 2350,

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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Copyright © 2015 MacDonald Rudy O’Neill & Yamauchi, a Limited Liability Law Partnership, LLP. All Rights Reserved.